Following on from negotiations late last night the following improved offer has been considered by your General Grades Committee:-
- 2% increase on basic pay
- Travel assistance will be increased to 100% up to a value of £1300 for two years at which time it will be reviewed in April 2012
- Low paid workers will receive an increase in their basic salary of £750 for 2010. Low paid is considered to be under £20,000
- We will commit to productivity talks with the RMT (incorporating own goals) and where by the improvements suggested by the Union Representatives will add towards funding the 100% attendance scheme. The outline of the scheme needs to be agreed and discussed between the RMT and Alstom Mass Transit.
- We will commit to meet to discuss “Harmonisation” across Metro trains to include the CRT, Stores and Tech grades.
The General Grades Committee have taken the decision to SUSPEND all current Industrial Action planned in order to carry out a referendum with a strong recommendation to accept the improved offer.
The referendum is ongoing and closes on Wednesday 20th October 2010. Please encourage your members that work for Alstom to use their democratic vote in this referendum.
Companies and grades: